Customized Laser Automation
World-class precision automation
for your high volume production

Our commitment to providing quality laser manufacturing tools to our customers means getting you to the best automation equipment solutions provider for your high-volume production needs.
Owens Design is our trusted partner in machine design and build for these reasons:
World-class reputation
Experts in turning concepts, ideas and R&D systems into robust industrial tools
Flawless (100% successful delivery) track record for nearly 40 years in this industry
Turner Laser Systems laser applications laboratory and operations are conveniently located within Owens Design’s 75,000 sq ft. of facilities, allowing our synergistic partnership to be a "one stop shop" for our customers. Our experienced laser and automation engineers work closely together and with your team to deliver custom laser technologies tailored to your production and manufacturing needs.
Streamlining laser with automation
Our laser platforms are designed to be compatible with a variety of automation option such as wafer-based robotic systems (e.g. our Automated Laser Wafer Platform), roll-to-roll (R2R) handling, conveyor systems, 6-axis robots and a variety of other customer automation modules. Some examples are shown below.

Automated Laser Wafer Platform
Customizable laser micromachining with wafer automation

The Automated Laser Wafer Platform can be configured for your specific manufacturing needs to fit the right laser source, beam delivery, motion systems, wafer-handler and integration of custom product fixtures, making this an extremely versatile machine for manufacturing your product. As your product evolves our machine can be reconfigured giving you critical versatility needed during pilot and ramp up phases.